

Vladimír Strejček

Director, studio founder 2002


client service, production, storyboards, illustration, animation, comics, graphic design, concept, consulting

There’s a lot I love about DRAWetc. The thing I value the most is that I never felt like DRAWetc. was a job. I don’t really go to work, I go to an atelier, a workshop. That is probably the greatest thing about the studio. And I also have my universe filled with various entities that I met through DRAWetc. and people is what drives me the most. They are the greatest inspiration for my free creation.


Lucie Košťálová

Project leader

I have more than 10 years of experience in the advertising industry. I was always drawn to this business, partially because of its proximity to the realm of art. That's the realm I really enjoy exploring both professionally and in private. So getting into DRAWetc.was sort of a fullfilment for me. It is exactly the right place where my hemispheres join forces – the wild and creative one and the effective, business savvy one. Right leads the left, so that left can then dictate to right again. This is my world in DRAWetc..


Daniel Korta

Senior graphic designer


I’ve been in the studio for god knows how long… Might even be ten years. I like it here, otherwise I would have left long ago. I take care of graphic design, 3D, webdesign, DTP, animation, motion design and sometimes I even fiddle with some code.

I am grumpy but I’m working on it.


Hanina Větrovcová

Art development/creative production

I’ve been part of the studio since 2011, when I started working as traffic and production manager. Today, I provide creative production. My moment came when I started the Raw Art Wrestling contest along with other activities and events that strengthen bonds and open doors for new talent.

I come up with why and what to paint over something, organize unusual events and campaigns for smaller and bigger brands. I love to try new things and push the boundaries. In the future, I want to get involved in educational workshops and conferences connected with project "Czech Illustration".


Anička Trousilová

Ilustrace, DTP

I started my journey in DRAWetc. as a comic book letterer, assistant graphic designer and today, I am a fully developed and certified Illustrator. The realization that I could make money by drawing was stunning! The path was thorny, nothing was handed to me, but over time, it became a steady job and illustration became a more common task than graphic design. I’m still learning and still working on myself. But I love it because I’m “drawn” to it. See what I did there?




Troy jsme objevili díky našim kurzům kreslení pro veřejnost, kde se jednoho dne zjevila jako princezna Apokalypsa. Nakreslila tehdá nejlepší koťátko a my jsme si ji zapamatovali. O pár měsíců později se tiše a nenápadně, prostě po “troyovsku”, přihlásila do naší vizuální soutěže Raw Art Wrestling, kde rozválcovala konkurenci v kategorii “Analog – charakter design” a odnesla si olbřímí Cintiq. A pak už to byl jen krůček, a lano z drawců bylo hozeno a teď u nás máme interně velice univerzální ilustrátorku, která se skvěle umí popasovat jak se storyboardy, vizuály, charaktery, prostě vším co má zdatný řemeslník umět.